Our Aim:
To engender the birth of a dynamic and impactful safety body for professionals and practitioners in Nigeria through effective leadership and management
1. Nigerian Institute of Safety Professionals (NISP) is the national bosy for safety professionals and practitioners in Nigeria
2. Our goal is to chat a new course for the development of an effective safety culture and paradigm in Nigeria using NISP as a national medium
3. We need a vibrant and resourceful leadership to establish NISP relevance to nation building
Nigerian Institute of Safety professionals (NISP)
The Nigeria Institute of safety Professionals was inaugurated in August 1980 as Nigeria Society of safety Professionals (NSSP) during the annual conference of the National Industrial Safety Council of the Nigeria (NISCN) as a professional technical arm of the NISCN,NISCN-is a tripartite body comprising the Governments of the federation (represented by Director of factories, Federal Ministry of labour & productivity), Employers (represented by the Nigerian Employers Consultative Association) and labour Congress), set by the Federal Government to prevent Industrial accidents and hazards and promote occupational health and welfare in industrial establishments. www.nispnigeria.com
The NISP 28th Annual Safety professionals Development Conference/Seminar comes up November 23-25, 2009 at Kaduna (Check attached poster). This conference will also provide an opportunity for all members of the institute to elect new officers to stir the affairs of the institute for the next tenure. This is particularly important because we can now make that change that is required (and if i may say, long overdue) in NISP as a national body by electing the right persons for the available posts. One of those at the forefront of this campaign for excellence and effectiveness in NISP is Evaristus Uzamere, CEO of Safety Engineering & Fire Consultants (Nig) Ltd. (Please watch out for Information on his full profile shortly on this blog). To demonstrate his commitments to achieving this goal and repositioning NISP in our society, he is seeking to be elected to the office of the National president of NISP. This could not have come in a better time, especially with orientation and awareness for rebranding and repositioning the Nigerian state in the global map. We can make the change...the very difference needed in NISP!
This is the time to make the much needed change in national NISP body. We can do it by VOTING RIGHT! Vote Evaristus Uzamere for the President.
Be there physically or by proxy and VOTE...Vote Right
Please contact dapo.omolade@gmail.com for further information and direction.